The Law of Attraction and the power of The Manifested State

So you want to manifest better health or more money and you follow step by step instructions described in some law of attraction source.
You meditate on your health, you visualize cash in your hands, you do affirmations and whatever you think will work to attract your love.
After some time you look around and notice that not much has been changed – same old crap around, just like before.
Sounds oh so familiar?

Then you usually come to either one of three conclusions:

  1. Drastic one: LOA does not exist and does not work and it’s all scam.
    (you move to other modalities to improve your screwy conditions but LOA is now a 4-letter word in your dictionary)
  2. That Law of Attraction book you been following is giving totally misleading information.
    (you decide that given author does not have a clue or credentials and search for another author).
  3. Most probable case: That Law of Attraction book sounds ok but likely missing some “real secret” key.
    (you find source that includes “the real secret”, “the missing key”, or alike in it’s title, and with the new wave of inspiration start practicing again)

Law of Attraction in it’s nature is so simple that most publications, even the ones including “the missing secret” and “the real key” appear to be regurgitating the same old stuff in a slightly different font and color.

So why is it so hard to attract what we want?

Because we do not attract stuff by our desire to get more stuff and we do not attract stuff by doing some proper law of attraction exercises.

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How to be a Healer

Would you like to be able to heal other people, your loved ones and even yourself just with the power of your own mind?
It is possible, and it all depends on your desire, passion and inspiration.

I personally experienced what others would name “miraculous healings” from the hands of an energy healer after being told by one of the brightest chiropractic authority in California that my case is helpless. Our own babysitter in one free healing session corrected what $5,000 of fees paid to well-recognized medical professional couldn’t.

That experience fascinated me to the extent that i studied and read multiple books that somehow touched the subject of healing. Afterwards, with some practice I was able to heal myself numerous times from smaller scale ailments including the ones that were quite annoying and incurable for 20+ years using all possible conventional means. In a casual manner I helped other people as well.

While studying the subject of healing i began finding a strong correlation between techniques and approaches mentioned in multiple sources. I think The Teachings of Abraham gave the best introduction and specific, practical summaries on this exciting subject.

So lets get to the essence of it all and begin with the definition of an inner emotional state named “The Vortex”.

The Vortex is a key concept in The Teachings of Abraham and it represents an inner emotional state of a person who is connected with universal energy.
Your inner emotional state is your indicator of alignment with who you really are – with the higher energy, the larger non-physical part of you, the God if you will.
Without this alignment the life is a struggle and a reflection of some dis-ease.
With this alignment in place – the energy flows freely and your healing and manifesting abilities are available to you.

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Law of Attraction Affirmations – How to use them

Here I will address one of the most frequently asked question about affirmations and the law of attraction.
But instead of feeding you the theory of affirmations creation (like make them positive and make them in the present moment, etc…) I will do my best to show you the foundation of affirmations and why they work for some and does not work for others.

Affirmations are an important tool in any personal development and manifestation work toolbox. There are many wonderful books and teachings where affirmations are used as a main approach to manifest desires, accomplish goals, and achieve more healthier states of the body. Affirmations usually works pretty good to supplement dedicated meditation practices or when used as a regular daily mantra (with some cautions).
I been introduced to my first steps with affirmations via books by Shakti Gawain and Joseph Murphy (“The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”). Books of Joseph Murphy are fun to read as they present many examples of manifested intentions based almost exclusively on affirmations people used.

Yet, in my mastering the law of attraction article – I haven’t describe a single technique that is based on affirmations.

Why is that?
Large part of above article is dedicated to introduction of the concept of “State” or “Desired State”. The work of entering the desired emotional state should be the last step in any successful Law of Attraction work. Once you manage to make progress in shifting your emotions toward desired positive outcome – the task is to maintain this state as consistently as possible.
In the absence of (or at least with reduced) resistance – feeling yourself in the desired state as if your desire already achieved will cause significant progress in material manifestation of desire. Specifics of manifested intention will match closely the inner emotional energy of your most dominant emotional state.

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The Law of Attraction and How to Master it

The History

William Walker Atkinson

William Walker Atkinson

The term Law of Attraction first originated in 1906 when author and publisher William Walker Atkinson released his new thought movement book: “Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World” (Chicago, 1906). He also was brave enough to use the term “vibration” (scary enough word for any other author to use or understand back then). His work introduced the concepts of thought, energy, vibration and manifestation in a very thorough and detailed manner. He also was the first to explain the importance and power of Love to manifest desires (sometimes in rather humorous manner: “…so love but one thing at a time – don’t be a mental Mormon”).

Wallace Delois Wattles

Wallace Delois Wattles

In 1910 Wallace Delois Wattles published his famous book “The Science of Getting Rich”. Wallace D. Wattles expained the creative role of thought in the manifestation process and further elaborated over the universal role of energy as “stuff from which all things are made”. Wallace D. Wattles was the first to dedicate a sole chapter to the concept of Gratitude as a tool to support practitioner’s manifestation work. As he explained: ” the riches they receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude.”

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How to share your gratitude and appreciation constantly, 24 hours a day non-stop!

This article is about the automation process! As many of you might know I am very technical person and when i come across some beautiful approach or very useful process – I start thinking about making the most of it, increasing it or automating it.

When I read about the magical powers of gratitude this made me think. Gratitude is one of these “keys” that enables you to receive the fruits of your desires through the Law of Attraction powers. The more grateful you are – the more your energy is in tune with the universal energy and the mood of gratitude allows the process of manifestation of your intentions.

Appreciation is a very similar vibration. In fact the vibration of appreciation is very similar to the vibration of Love. Abraham explains that attitude of appreciation, the “mode” of appreciation makes you an immediate match to well-being and allows it to flow into your real physical experience.
Ever wondered why is that you cannot get something you really, really want? Or good things seems to flow into your life at a much slower pace than their opposites?
That is just because your inner vibration is the opposite of what you want. For major part – this inner “opposite” vibration comes from deeply ingrained unconscious thought patterns.

The way to overcome them – is to start offering thoughts that are matching your desires, not opposing them. The way you know that you’re offering the matching vibration is by the way you feel.

The feelings of joy, upliftment, hope, interest, inspiration –  are the proof that your inner vibration is in the matching mode to any well-being you want.

As Abraham teaches – the quickest way to shift your vibration to the “proper”, higher, “manifestation”  frequency – is by guiding your thoughts to better feeling thoughts.

There are many techniques to do that but the simplest and in fact most powerful way to do that is start offering gratitude and appreciation. It does not really matter what would be the object of your gratitude or what you will appreciate – as long as the inner, positive energy shift takes place.

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