Law of Attraction and Manifesting Reality Coaching
Email Coaching:
1 hour
Manifesting Reality
Fast Start Plan
1 hour
Manifesting Reality
Fast Start Plan
- Personal and confidential attention
- Emergency tuning
- Getting you back on track toward manifesting your desires
- Detailed, specific, personalized interactions over email tailored to your situation, needs and dreams
- 2-3 interactions
Email Coaching:
1 day
Manifesting Reality
Traction Plan
1 day
Manifesting Reality
Traction Plan
- Everything from Manifesting Reality Fast Start Plan
- Discussing LOA/manifestation techniques that works for you
- Deeper analysis of your situation
- Personalized LOA advisory
- 8-10 interactions
Email Coaching:
1 week (7 days)
Manifesting Reality
Accelerate Plan
1 week (7 days)
Manifesting Reality
Accelerate Plan
- Everything from Manifesting Reality Traction Plan
- Getting clarity over necessary elements to attract your desires
- Building step by step, easy to follow personal action plan
- Setting you up on intensified track toward manifesting your dreams and desires.
- Personal email interactions over 7 days.
Email Coaching:
1 month
Manifesting Reality
Master Plan
1 month
Manifesting Reality
Master Plan
- Everything from Manifesting Reality Accelerate Plan
- Establishing actionable steps to eliminate limiting beliefs that may of held you back in the past.
- Building advanced, highly personalized action plan with detailed daily schedules for you to follow.
- Working with you and tuning your plan and progress with necessary adjustments as you making progress.
- Personal email interactions over 30 days