Gratitude Widget
Gratitude is one of these magical keys that turns on the flow of goodness in your life. Just by shifting your attention toward gratitude and feeling grateful for little things can make a big difference in your outer circumstances. No matter what happened in your past, no matter what your circumstances are – the creation process is happening in the NOW. And exactly what is being created depends on your current attitude. The feeling of gratitude is one of the highest vibrations that turns on the Law of Attraction and allows your positive intentions to start materializing in your life.
Gratitude is more of a state vs. action. Although it starts with little action. First you make a decision to be grateful. Second you look for something to be grateful for. And third – you make this little gratitude exercise regular and playful fun. As an immediate reward – you’ll notice the positive shift in your inner emotional state. You continue and soon you’ll start noticing the shift in material world around you – suddenly people get a bit nicer, traffic lightens, issues start to resolve quicker, easier and in a more harmonious fashion.
The Secret here is to maintain your expression of gratitude as a norm and stay connected in a grateful manner to the outside world. The more Gratitude you express – the more goodness flows back to you. And gratitude is infectious! When someone sees you being grateful – that person’s attitude gets inner positive boost, and suddenly the power of your gratitude doubles. And this process goes on and on.
The Magical Gratitude Web Widget allows you to share your Gratitude 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
If you have website and blog – you can easily express and share your gratitude with the whole world, even when you sleep. Imagine positively affecting the lives of 100 new people around the world every day. And it doesn’t take much effort.
You can quickly build your own Magical Gratitude Widget just by clicking on any Gratitude widget and customizing it with your own words of gratitude and colors. You may also customize background and even set your own custom background image if you like.
Once done – click [Get Widget Code] button, copy the snippet and paste it on your website and blog.
As simple and that – and in no time your own words of gratitude will start flowing all over the world igniting positive energy and increasing the flow of abundance in yours and other people lives.